
9 Ideas for a Better Business Twitter Account

Written by Jon Hoppin

Category: How to | Marketing | Strategy | Twitter

September 17, 2012

Are you feeling stuck with your business Twitter account? It happens, and because it does we’ve got a few tips on how you can bring some life to your Twitter account making it more fun and interactive. 1. Use lists to organize who you follow on Twitter. Many people don’t know this but Twitter has a great feature allowing you to divide the people you follow into lists. Try grouping the people you follow into lists such as: Clients or customers, your suppliers, people in professional organizations, people geographically near you, and people you respect or are trying to model your business after. Finally, create a list of people that you want to have a conversation with so you can keep track of them easily. Lists will help you focus on specific people so you don’t miss any tweets. Twitter allows you to create up to twenty different lists, so get creative! 2. Change your Twitter background. Changing your Twitter background is always a great way to liven things up. If you don’t have a custom background it might be time to think about creating one. There’s nothing like a custom background to leave a lasting impression! Check out our post on how to do it yourself. 3. Rewrite your Twitter bio. Describing yourself or your company in 160 characters or less can be tough, but it can be done. Think of it as the ultimate elevator pitch. Make sure to include your tag line and your city. Most importantly, add keywords about yourself or your business so others can find you in a search. In fact, Twitter will not include you in their search results if you don’t have a bio. Make sure you’ve got one! 5. Follow your customers. Twitter is a great place to interact with your customers. If they follow you, make sure you follow them back. If they message you, make sure you message them and follow them. Finally, if they mention you, that’s worth a follow too. Twitter is meant for sharing and socializing, why not interact with your customers! 6. Run specials through your Twitter account. Why not put Twitter to work for you? Run a special deals with a coupon code in your tweets. Advertise special sale events. Those specials will keep people engaged in your Twitter stream. 7. Reward people who retweet your tweets. Rewarding people to retweet your blog post tweets is a great way to increase traffic to your site. Give away an eBook, a bit of free consultation time, or even some of your product for the most click-throughs on their retweet. Give away whatever you can to get those retweets—it will be worth it! 8. Add photos and videos to your tweets. Evidence shows that people are much more likely to click on your tweet if there is a photo or a video. Take the time to add some photos in there, people will love them! 9. Revisit your content strategy. Pay attention to what your followers are retweeting and clicking on. That will give you a clue as to what they are interested in. If you keep your finger on the pulse of your tweeps you will be sure to give them the content they are hungry for. It’s a good idea to brainstorm some conversation topics off of what your followers are interested in. Have seven to ten ideas in your back pocket to keep your content and conversations fresh. Those are just a few of our ideas. Do you have any of your own you would add? Let us know!

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