
5 Email Essentials You Need to Remember

Written by Jon Hoppin

Category: How to | Marketing

February 16, 2013

Probably one aspect of online marketing that’s taken for granted more often than not is emailing. This is where you get to talk to your clients in a more personal, in-depth manner. Yes, you’ve gotten their attention through your Facebook ads, but the self-selling doesn’t end there. In fact, maintaining your professional image becomes more crucial in this stage.


Which is why we wnat to give you some VERY important tips when emailing your current (or potential) clients:


1.  Email Address = First Impression


  • When people say they don’t judge a book by its cover, they are partially not telling the truth. Because the moment we open our inbox (and especially when we have 20+ new emails), we scan them by sender and subject. The sender, especially. Your email address is like your name. If it doesn’t match up to the seriousness of your subject then they would automatically think it’s some sort of spam. If you can’t manage to have your own email domain name, then at least make your email address formal (like your REAL name). Because when you come to think of it, people would rather read an email from JohnDoe@someaddress.com than JoHnZzZ_do3_emo_rocker_boiii@someaddress.com.


2.  Subjects are everything


  • But even with a very professional-sounding address, much care and attention should also be put into your email subject. If it seems very “Spam-ish” (e.g., “OH WOW! YOU’VE GOT TO READ THIS!”), then most people would treat it that way. So make sure you send your messages under a subject that not only seems professional, but also catches the interest of your recipient (such as, “Scholarship Opportunity” or “Business Inquiry”), lest you find yourself in the spam box pretty soon.


3.  Formatting matters


  • If you’re not a fan of those glittery, multi-colored chain letters, then DON’T format your emails like that. Use ONE (and just ONE) font throughout your email. Only use bold, italicized, underlined, or colored letters to emphasize important points. Don’t add photos or GIFs if it’s not necessary. And rather than have one huge chunk of a paragraph, try to divide your ideas and points into several smaller paragraphs. It makes them easier to digest.


4.  Get straight to the point


  • Say the most with the least words. Not everything requires a 2,000-word essay to support it. If you wish to have a thorough discussion on some things, then maybe a call would be more appropriate. Sending lengthy emails would only give you the risk of being ignored or put off for another time.


5.  Calm down on the signature


  • People know who you are after the first email. That’s what smart, witty introductions are for. If you send each and every email with an accompanying five-paragraph description of how powerful and influential you really are, chances are you’ve lost that client by the third email. Just look at it this way: you wouldn’t elaborately introduce yourself to someone when you’ve met them before. Save that for the sales pitch.
  • For a more acceptable signature (if you really need to), simply state your name, position, and company. And make sure it looks neat and professional.


Basically, sending an email requires the same effort you put into introducing yourself to a stranger personally. You have to look and sound like you mean business. However you present yourself to your clients online will automatically reflect how you’re going to handle them face to face. Simple as that.

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